Thursday, April 24, 2014

10 amazing years

This is what ten years looks like. I never could have imagined what we would go through, where we would be, how happy we would be, how blessed we would be, and how much love we would have for each other after ten years. Really quite amazing I do say.

And for the twenty year to look back I guess I should say how we celebrated... we ate at sushi eye then went to the mall and walked around with our milkshakes until we found something we wanted to buy. A new watch for rich, matching fitbits, some new sport bras, and pjs for Mac. So romantic, I know. But seriously we are waiting until Mac is weaned to do a trip together.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Happy Happy Anniversary you two lovebirds!! Can life even get any better--let me tell you--just HOLD ON!!!! XOXO
