Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Festival of Lights

 Every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving there is a Festival of lights at our local Foothills park. This year was the first year we bought the girls tickets to go on rides!  They were in heaven. Bouncy house galore. They rode the swings, slides, train, and jumped to their hearts content. 
 After the fun, a bunch of motorcycles put lights up all over and get decorated for Christmas and they come do a little parade. The girls love it, but Rich loves it even more. 

Once again this year was a hit. What a fun thing for our little community to put together each year. 


  1. Such cute pictures!! I love that Ryann loves Cara!

  2. I love keeping up on your blog! Thanks for being so dutiful! Will you email me your new address? thependletons at gmail dot com. Thanks!
