Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Tale of a Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Last night Ryann threw up. Like wake up from a dead sleep and start puking all over. 
We cleaned her up, changed her sheets, said a prayer, and she fell back asleep.
Awhile later she started puking again. She looked at me and said, 
"I don't understand why this is happening. I got a shot so I wouldn't throw up (flu shot). I also said a prayer that I wouldn't throw up anymore and I am still throwing up."
I look at her with a hole in my heart and I say gently, "Well Ryann, sometimes we still throw up because there is something in our body that needs to get out."
She looks at me and says, "like if you eat something bad? Like something off the ground?"
Pause... waiting for her to explain...
"Like today at school when I ate a ham and cheese sandwich that I found on the ground at school?"
(Um yes Ryann, that gross dirty sandwich you found on the ground probably gave you food poisoning! UGH. Seriously. Have I not taught her anything in 5 years???)
So we had a long talk about eating healthy food and that she should eat only the lunch mom or dad packs for her, after awhile her stomach settled down and she fell back asleep.
She has puked 3 more times since then, but puke free since like 7am. Now off I go to clean the carpet for the 4th time to get out all of the smell. 


  1. okay I know that grandma should not be laughing her head off but you just told a really funny story and i hope that she gets better soon!!

  2. wwoowwww that is amazing. sorry for laughing.
