I missed blogging for the past week or so and since this blog is pretty much my journal I figured I should write about it. I am blogging from my phone and for some reason it won't capitalize letters.
my plate is overflowing. it isn't just full, it is overflowing. most days I feel like I am barely taking one step at a time. this past week I finally figured out that something had to give. for the past 3 years I have been the ACNM ( or American college of nurse midwives) chapter president in Phoenix. it basically means I have to plan and prepare organizational meetings every other month. find speakers, help spread the word about midwife jobs or new information. I told them before Mac was born that I would be taking a break, but now that it is time to start up again I finally decided that this was the first thing that had to go. my family and time is too important.
after I decided this and emailed the appropriate people I got slammed at work. I had an 8 hour day at the office, delivered 2 babies that night. slept for a couple hours, went back to the office for 4 hours, delivered 6 more babies, came home and slept for an hour, went to sacrament meeting then delivered 4 more babies after that. then woke up after another couple hours of interrupted sleep, worked 8 hours in the office and delivered 1 more baby. since then I have been recovering.
not totally recovering though, because this week I have been blessed with an abcessed tooth. it got so bad that it infected the tooth next to it. ouch. after 2 different dentists I am on antibiotics, around the clock ibuprofen, and an scheduled for my first root canal on Tuesday and then my second root canal the next week. my lymph nodes are swollen, my jaw hurts, and I would rather be in labor again than have this sort of pain constantly. in my mind, tooth pain is worse than labor. no joke.
however, during all of this time I have been blessed. I have been happy. my husband is so patient and kind. my girls still love me. baby Mac some nights only wakes up one or twice! nursing is going well and every night we go to bed with full bellies and a roof over our head. but I really am ready for a break.