The girls got amazing dresses in the mail this week from Grandma!
She made them matching dresses and they couldn't be happier.
Despite what professional photographers have you believe, I will never get a good picture of both my girls together!
But I will say that someone needs to teach me how to photoshop these pictures, because I don't think I will get a good one without it.
You can tell that they had fun posing for the pictures though, right?
Ryann doesn't like to smile right now, she doesn't like to show her teeth for some reason??
Ryann's dress really isn't that short, she just had it all bunched up, but my mom did make her a bigger size, Ryann just refused to put on the other one.
I seriously have to pick my battles with these two.
However, I do love them more and more each day.
i love these girls!!!!