Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Basically the only things I have ready for Mac is ummmm... a crib with a crib sheet. 
Poor guy, stinks to be a third child who is going to share his room with Daddy's office. 
It is okay though, because he is sure loved.
Here I hung a small banner with well wishes from friends who came to my baby shower. 
 His big sisters sure love him too.  Ryann decided to make him a sign so everyone can know where his room is. 
 Rich also hung some pictures, so now I have some decorations, and a crib with a crib sheet. 
 Hurry out here mommy!  I need help making some bedding and a mobile for him.


  1. So I am already packing!! I can't wait!! I love you tons!!

  2. did you know that Tickle Monster has another book - Boogie Monster that is equally as cute and has a great cd
