Monday, July 15, 2013

Welcome to the World (part 1)

My parents had come into town back on July 4th and my dad had to leave on Monday night in order to get back for a day of work. He asked me when he thought the baby would be born and I told him not until he got back. He left when I was 40 weeks and 1 day and came back on Wednesday afternoon when I was 40 weeks and 3 days.
It was very important for me to have my dad at my birth. He was there for both Ryann and Cara's birth (my mom was too!) and since I was having this baby at home I really wanted him there.

(Most people who read my blog know that my dad is an OBGYN, but just incase you didn't know, he is... I didn't expect any complications at my birth, but I wanted him there anyway.)

Anyway, he got back to Phoenix around 2pm and then around 3pm I convinced him and my mom to watch the movie, What To Expect When You Are Expecting. It is a silly movie, but I told myself the labor vibes might rub off on me. During that time I bounced on my exercise ball to try and stimulate labor. Towards the end of the movie I started to have a couple contractions. They started to slowly come and they felt a little different which was a good thing. At 5:45 I started to get hopeful and I changed into "labor clothes" that I would feel comfortable in if I went into labor. Now, I had already done this on two other occasions so I didn't say anything because I didn't want to jinx myself.

Then at 630 I started to think that this was really maybe going to be it. I was trying to relax in between contractions but not too much relaxing, because I didn't want them to stop. I then started having to breathe through my contractions. Then at 640 I asked Rich to turn on the "homebirth playlist" on his itunes. This playlist consisted of all piano music, a lot of it which was primary hymns. I even took a picture of the playlist and put it on instagram.

At this time I thought about timing my contractions but the thought of that was annoying and I thought it would be too time consuming. So I didn't. I really had no idea how close they were I just knew that they were starting to command my attention. The only thing I did had time for was to write down the times that things were happening because I wanted to make sure I could remember it all and write my birth story.

At 645 I (or my mom) texted my family to let them know that this might be it. I also had texted my doula and midwife before this so that they could prep their families in order to free themselves up to make it in time for the birth. Also while this was going on my parents, the girls, and Rich were eating dinner downstairs. I didn't really feel like eating corn on the cob and ribs, so I passed on that and hung out upstairs for awhile.

At 725 I wanted to know if there really was anything going on so I checked myself and I was 5 1/2cm dilated. I let my midwife know because she had just been waiting for me to tell her that "this was it" so she could come on over. Rich and my dad were upstairs trying to fill up the birthing tub with water because my plan was to have a waterbirth. There of course was some humor in this becasue Rich decided it would cost too much to buy a brand new hose, so the "faucet extension" he was using was way too short to reach and it was making quite the mess.

My doula came over at 730 and I put her to work immediately. She would push on my back during every contraction and so for the next 20 minutes I was still able to talk and chat in between contractions, even though during the contractions I really had to focus.

At 750 the tub was finally full enough that I could get in it. I jumped in almost immediately and it felt nice to be submerged in the water. 
There were a lot of differences that I was noticing between this birth and Cara's birth. With Cara I had practiced hypnobirthing throughout the pregnancy. I was calm and relaxed and totally focused with Cara. I was really quiet throughout the whole thing. However, I wasn't really "present" with the birth. I didn't know what to do to make my body feel better, I didn't recognize how far along I was or how fast things were progressing with Cara. I really was in a self hypnosis state. It was really neat, really easy, and quick. 
With Mac I was very present throughout the entire thing. I could think in between and even during contractions. I was comparing what I was experiencing now to what I had experienced before and I was even talking about it during the labor. When I first got in the tub I was laughing and joking with my sisters who were both on facetime with us. I was able to tell my doula what things to do to make my contractions feel better. I was aware when I was thirsty and what I wanted to drink. I also was aware of what kind of interventions would make my contractions more tolerable. However, this labor HURT. It was hard and seemed endless even though it was also very fast. I was loud, I moaned, I swayed, I changed positions and I remember myself saying "I can't do this" quite a few times. (even though I knew I could... it is just what sounded right to say.)

After I got in the tub Ryann and Cara made some pictures and cards for me. This was the sweetest thing. The girls were so excited that Baby Mac was coming. Ryann wrote:
Dear Mom, I love you. You gave me a great hug. You gave me a great kiss. I love you where ever we go. I love my baby brother. I love my brother. I hope you feel better soon. I hope baby brother comes soon. I love you. Love Ryann


  1. Wow- I just love reading this over and over and over. Thank you for writing it all down. I love the pictures and I love remembering the night that Baby Mac was born!! XOXO

  2. Oh, here comes Mac!! You are made of some amazing stuff. I definitely think "I can't do this."
