Happy 3 months old Mac! I love you and your sweetness.
Here are the pictures I tried to take before bed.
It started out like this.
So I fed you, calmed you down, and we survived.
Actually you did quite well. This is the first time you don't look like a deer in headlights!
At 3 months you decided it would be fun to wake up again every 2 hours for the past 4 nights in a row. I am hoping growth spurt?
Before this crazy sleep changes you were sleeping from around 7pm to 2am and then up again for my alarm clock around 6. Really once a night which was wonderful. I am hoping you get back to that soon!
You are 13lbs 12oz.
You are full of smiles.
This month you started with a sitter. You go 2 1/2 days a week. Daddy watches you the other days and I am off another day for us to play.
You eat much more than your big sisters. Cara never really drank more than 4oz of milk at a time. EVER.
You are already eating 4-5oz each time you eat during the day, which means mom has to pump A LOT! I usually don't feel "behind" on my milk making skills until 6 months or so, but now I am desperately trying to do things to make sure I catch up to you. I guess your waking up every 2 hours at night is trying to boost my supply?
I just checked the old blog to see how you are comparing to your big sisters at this age.
is the blog post from when Cara was 3 months old. She was already rolling over. Eh, I am sure that will happen some day soon since you are scooting around already when we are doing tummy time. Her nap schedule was about the same as yours (crappy!) but hopefully you will get into a good nap routine soon. For daddy and for the sitter.
You have also found your thumb and hardly take the pacifier anymore. Sometimes we will pull it out if you are struggling to fall asleep while we are holding you, but mostly you like to soothe yourself.
You still spit up a lot, some days a lot more than others, but you seem to be okay with that and you are still happy about it. You only poop every couple days (like Ryann), and you like showers with mom or dad way better than baths.
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