Friday, March 25, 2016

8 months

I feel like Shelby is all I post about these days. But she is changing so fast that I just have to document. 

She loves nursing and has started practicing gym-nurstics she basically sits and twists and lies down and flips over while nursing. It is hilarious. She still doesn't have teeth and is my latest teether. She gets 4-10 extra ounces of breast milk through a bottle each day. This is from my frozen stash and milk from her cousin Everly who has decided to share with us. (I am hoping everly's milk will help her fatten up)
Shelby has started to be clingy to rich and I lately. She doesn't mind other adults holding her unless I am close and then she is not happy about it. However, she will smile her little heart out at you from a distance. 
Her hair seems to be coming in curly all over.  The hair on the back of her head is starting to get little baby curls too. I also got it in a ponytail today which is adorable. 
Shelbs has started pulling up to standing on the furniture. She also army crawls all over the place and ends up under tables and desks a lot. 
She loves to be carried in the baby carriers and doesn't care if she is facing me or out to the world. She also goes to bed around 6, wakes up once to nurse, and then wakes up for the day at 7. 
She isn't a huge fan of food anymore. She loved it like crazy to start but then with all the throwing up she did in the past couple weeks she isn't impressed with it. She will eat half the amount she used to and then only if she really likes it. 

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